I’m new at this, and I hope the grizzled veterans of the internet will forgive my gaffes in the medium. My remarkable son Ben has set up this space for me, and I want to use it as a place where people interested in my work as a poet, writer, teacher and thinker can meet with me and with each other.
At the moment the things I am thinking about include the following:
The nature of time–always. How do we extend the present moment so that it isn’t just the automatic working of deterministic causality? How is it that living things share a present with each other? What if evolution isn’t a substitute for divine creation, but the metabolism of a divine self-creator?
What conclusions about the meaning of life flow from the idea, very prevalent in computer science and some areas of cosmological science, that the universe can be regarded as an enormous piece of computation–nonlinear, self-programming, and generative of apparent concreteness though the constraints of threshold-crossings in its self-organizing process? Is reality the same as virtual reality?
How is it that the cellist’s fingering hand appears to have a life and will of its own, and acts like a very quick, ruthless little animal? My brother Bob, who has his own brain-scanning fMRI lab in Leipzig, is studying music and the brain. Apparently, he says, chunks of the brain that manage the hands of pianists and string players mushroom out in size over time. This can clearly be observed of the fingering hand. But the bowing hand, I am told, especially for viol de gamba players, is an equal participant–can its work be represented elsewhere in the brain?
What is to be the role of my beloved Texas, defeated in so many ways in the last few years, in the life of the world and nation?
What would a bearable life after death be like?–supposing, for instance, we could be brought back to life at some remote time in the future, when scientists will be able to recover all the information that constitutes our identity and re-embody it.
The relationship between a currency and its backing or base, and the role of national sovereignty in this relationship.
Episodes from my own childhood–is the apparent continuity of identity and consciousness an illusion, or real?
My student Jimmy Wilder, a very talented musician, has got me thinking about the relationship between language and music again. Ordinary speech has a prosody such that, if a piece of conversation is recorded and repeated until its lexical meaning is blurred by habituation, its melody begins to appear. Don’t poets unconsciously use this in their work? My friend Zsuzsanna Ozsvath and I are currently translating Goethe together–more and more I am astonished by the musicality of his verse. Contrariwise, I have started to write poems whose meter is based on melodies I like in classical or church or popular music. I wonder if people will recognize the tune?–I know that if you tap out on a tabletop the rhythm of a familiar tune, it is often clear what it is.
Enough for now. I can’t promise to be a regular blogger, but I will try to say interesting things from time to time.